Hi folks,

I write this to clear up a few questions. First, we have had some large donations and a lot of small donations. We appreciate and need all of them. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to our cause. The money raised is being used to pay our groups legal fees in this recall process.

After the sitting Commissioners have been recalled and replaced, the money remaining in the account will be used to help the new fire department repair the damage done to our district.

Secondly, we have raised some money from hat and sweatshirt donations. The initial cost of the hats was totally donated so 100% of hat donations went into the fund. We received donations for 75 hats @ $20.00 ea: equaling  $1500.00. We also received donations for 18 sweatshirts of $40.00 ea. The labor and time were donated, but about $17.00 per shirt in costs was taken out equaling $438.00 for our cause. We are currently working on some T-shirts also.

The red postcards that were mailed to all current voters in the district including postage were another donation from one of our neighbors.

The sign in Dayton was also a total donation.

No money from the fund is used as seed money for these side projects.

Money in our fund is used for legal fees only and later to help our fire district rebuild.

Thanks for your time, and chin up soldier, the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!

Dave Persell


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