We are still in need of donations at this time.
Date | Donations Received | Description | Amount | Balance |
Start | $4,700.00 | Deposit (public donations) | $4,700.00 | $4,700.00 |
12-12-2022 | Attorney Retainer Fee | -$2,000.00 | $2,700.00 | |
01-07-2023 | $3,155.00 | Deposit | $3,155.00 | $5,855.00 |
01-11-2023 | $350.00 | Deposit | $350.00 | $6,205.00 |
01-12-2023 | $1,000.00 | Deposit | $1,000.00 | $7,205.00 |
01-19-2023 | Deposit | $40.00 | $7,245.00 | |
01-19-2023 | Certified Check Olympic Appeals PLLC | -$693.00 | $6,552.00 | |
01-19-2023 | Certified Check Fee | -$7.00 | $6,545.00 | |
01-25-2023 | $700.00 | Deposit | $700.00 | $7,245.00 |
02-06-2023 | $426.00 | Deposit | $426.00 | $7,671.00 |
02-13-2023 | $200.00 | Deposit | $200.00 | $7,871.00 |
02-14-2023 | $480.00 | Deposit | $480.00 | $8,351.00 |
02-17-2023 | Cert Check Olympic Appeals PLLC | -$6,295.00 | $2,056.00 | |
02-21-2023 | $200.00 | Deposit | $200.00 | $2,256.00 |
02-28-2023 | $100.00 | Deposit | $100.00 | $2,356.00 |
03-10-2023 | $190.00 | Deposit | $190.00 | $2,546.00 |
03-16-2023 | Payment to Olympic Appeals | -$132.00 | $2,414.00 | |
03-31-2023 | Paper Statement Monthly Bill | -$5.00 | $2,409.00 | |
03-31-2023 | Monthly Bank Fee | -$10.00 | $2,399.00 | |
04-06-2023 | $438.00 | Deposit Sweater Donations | $438.00 | $2,837.00 |
04-13-2023 | $500.00 | Deposit | $500.00 | $3,337.00 |
04-18-2023 | $720.00 | Deposit (donations from meeting) | $720.00 | $4,057.00 |
04-29-2023 | Paper Statement Fee | -$5.00 | $4,052.00 | |
04-29-2023 | Heritage Direct SMB | -$10.00 | $4,042.00 | |
05-15-2023 | $555.00 | Shirt Donations | $555.00 | $4,597.00 |
05-22-2023 | Refund from Attorney | $335.00 | $4,932.00 |
If you would like to donate checks can be made out to “Matlock Community” and turned over to Mike and Shirley Brown.
You can also donate in person at Heritage Bank located in Shelton, WA. Just let them know you would like to donate to the Matlock Community Account.